Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Five Year Old's Faux Pas

Five year olds do not know anything about being politically correct. That is what cracks steve and I up about the kids everyday. Sunday was no exception...
So we are sitting at lunch with the kids and Greyson starts throwing food on the floor (his favorite pastime besides sticking his hand in the toilet or throwing batteries in the toilet etc etc). I scolded him for it and he started crying.
Maddie says oh I think Greyson is crying because he wants his real mom!
It is one of those moments you want to cry and laugh at the same time. We chose to laugh!


Nicole said...

Laugh. And laugh loud! They are honest, you know what they are thinking at ALL times and they are just sooo darn cute!

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Tara said...

Heehee. That is hilarious...since it was from a child. lol