Monday, September 15, 2008

What I've Learned from Training for a Marathon

I know those of you (all two of you) who follow my blog have just been dying for another post so here it is- Only about three months later!

I have been training for what seems like a lifetime for the Chicago Marathon. Now that I am only one month away I was thinking about what God has been teaching me during this long long training period and just wanted to get it written so I could share it with the kids someday.


I cannot believe that God took a person who had never been involved in any sports, and turned her into a real athlete! I actually finished running 20 miles a couple of weeks ago and just wanted to cry because I never believed that it could be me who was able to accomplish something so amazing. I think God has taught me that discipline is the key to turning a body into a machine that can endure even when I thought it couldn't. It was all the mornings of getting up before dawn and going to bed early that got me this far. I am so amazed at the human body and what all it can endure and am addicted to the high of running even though it was so incredibly painful sometimes. I also discovered I have asthma during this long training period- Who knew???


  • I learned how to talk myself into pushing further and further even when my body was telling me to quit. I am extremely competitive so this part was not really hard.

  • I learned to take the time to look around me for once- I know God used running to quiet my mind and soul to see things that he had created. There was so many cool things along the way that were part of living out in the country, but I had never noticed them before. I passed by everything from deer, cows, horses and frogs and of course dogs. I had so many encounters with dogs that were funny I cannot even begin to list them all but one that was the best was the day that a blue heeler ran behind me for at least 5 miles and nipped at my heels everytime I slowed down. I guess I looked or smelled like a cow. I saw this amazing enormous hawk that sat on a telephone wire every morning and would just watch me as I passed. It has been really beautiful just seeing what God has created and appreciating it as I pass by rolling farmland every morning as the sun rises. God is truly amazing!


In a nutshell I think God used running as the time that He could finally speak to me and I would listen. I truly think that my life was going in so many directions at such a fast pace that he just wanted a chance for my spirit to be quiet so he could whisper and I would hear.

I know that in the hours that I run God convicts me of sin daily. He lets me know that my insecurities and paranoia are not from him but from the enemy and that when the world lets me down I need to depend on Him only.

He has called me to bigger things in my life and I have heard the call while I was running. I was listening to a sermon on my ipod one day and I knew after, that God was calling me into a ministry for exotic dancers here in my city. It was nothing I ever thought I would want to do but it was clear as anything that God was telling me to be obedient and do it. So here I am in the beginning of this ministry with 10 other women and God is blessing that obedience.

I have also had some of the most amazing worship experiences during my runs. I listen to a mixture of music but I have worship stuff in my mix and sometimes a song has struck me so deeply that I literally wanted to raise my hands while running. Those who know me know I am not normally a hand raisin' kind of gal so I have really been moved by the Holy Spirit. I am sure cars going by would love seeing a charismatic crazy runner!

So I thank God for the ability to run and turning into a time to praise Him and get to know Him more deeply. It has been an amazing journey!



Nicole said...

AWESOME POST!!! (Yes, I was one of those waiting)... You have done amazing and I have enjoyed watching, hearing and reading about your running adventures... God uses us wherever we are at that moment sometimes we embrace the moment and sometimes we don't even notice it is there. You, my friend, embraced it fully and recognized that it is more than just running. It is quieting your mind and pushing your body, your amazing beautiful body that God uniquely created! I am sooo sooo sooo very proud of you. You accomplished something few people can claim and I for one, can appreciate all your hard work and determination. I will be praying for your health and safety the next month... you are almost there!!!!

Heather W. said...

Aww- Nicole your comment made me cry! Thanks for your encouragement. i look at you as an example of the athlete I strive to be (as well as the mother and wife I'd like to be too :)
I love you and miss you!!!

Melanie said...

Ok - the second person has now read your post. It made me teary!!! I'm also so proud and admire you for your determination and dedication to accomplishing this goal (which once seemed so huge, remember?) You go girl!!!! Love you-

Lela Kay said...

i so can relate to you in many ways (except the motivation and determination to run for 26.2 miles straight. . . that is definitely a difference), but for sure, learning that god wants us to push ourselves, mind, body and soul! he wants us to challenge ourselves and to speak to us in ways we have never heard and to see him in places we have never dared to dream!

i am soooo in awe of your feats as an official "runner", something i will just continue to try to be! we are much the same when it comes to never being athletes. but god uses us in big ways to accomplish things in ourselves for his ultimate glory! you keep on keeping on and if you ran 20 miles, i believe you can run 10 more with no problem! god is good and will continue to push you as you seek his face and believe in yourself. you rock, my friend!

p.s. this is 3 people at least who read your blog, so don't underestimate the impact you can have with your words of insight and growth!

Heather W. said...

Aww thanks friends- you guys are always so encouraging to me. Lela, can't wait to see pics of you at the finish line in October!!!

The Ritzmanns said...

Hi, we just happened upon your blog as we were researching people's experiences with Ethiopian adoption and wanted to say hello. My wife and I are getting ready to begin the adoption process/journey to Ethiopia and were hoping to pick the brains of some families that have already been through it. We live in N. Ky and adopted a perfect little boy from Russia in January of this year and would love to speak with you guys. Feel free to email me at if you have a second. Thanks alot. Matt, Sara, Lleyton