Monday, March 19, 2007

Yabsira, "work of God"

We received our referral for Yabsira Bekele on March 1st and it was one of the most exciting and surreal moments of my life.

We were standing in the middle of one million boxes that had not been unpacked in our brand new house and my phone rang. of course I could not find it in the mess and then steve's phone rang. I just knew. This was the call of all calls that we had been waiting for over 9 months. We were screaming (okay I was screaming) and crying and laughing all at the same time as the poor social worker tried to get a word in to give us a little bit of info before the rest was emailed. He is 9 months old, he is healthy and his name is Yabsira.


We were surprised he was so big, we expected a baby baby of 3 or so months but we obviously don't care.

We got all of his paperwork later through email later and of course I scrolled down first thing to see his picture. He is beautiful- I have seen a lot of babies on the Yahoo boards but this child is BEAUTIFUL. See for yourself!!!

We will be going to get him 6 to 8 weeks from now. We accepted our referral last week and we are so ready to get him. We are pumped to land in Addis and get to hold him and to experience the country that he is from. I guess the only thing we are really nervous about is meeting his mother. How do you tell a mother that you will raise her son well- that you will try to love him as much as you know she does. I cannot even imagine the hurt she must be going through. I am praying for the words to say to her. And I am praying for her everyday- for a peace for her soul.

We do believe that God entrusted us with the child he chose for our family and we believe that it was no accident that his name is Yabsira meaning "work of God". We see the great hand of God working in everything lately- especially when we really look.

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