Monday, September 10, 2007

So Blessed

I got to meet some wonderful people today and left feeling so incredibly blessed. Sirgute was the hostess for this gathering. She is from Ethiopia and is married to an American and has lived here for many years. She is good friends with Harper, a wonderful lady who I had heard ALOT about, who had adopted two Ethiopian children. Harper was the first person I had heard of in this area who had adopted from Ethiopia and we actually had spoken on the phone nearly a year go when we began the whole process. It seems everyone has heard of Harper or knows her and all have wonderful things to say about her.

Susan was another guest at Sirgutes house. I had also heard about Susan's impending travel to pick up her two kids from Ethiopia and so it was great to meet her.
It is really cool, because Harper, Sirgute and Susan all leave for Ethiopia on Saturday. Sirgute is staying for several weeks to spend time with family and Susan and Harper will be there for a little over a week.
We are hoping to get all the kids together when everyone gets home and settled and I am so excited that Greyson will have such a large Ethiopian community to be with here in Louisville because I always want him to have an understanding of what a wonderful place he came from.
My goal is to get a package together for Harper to take to Greyson's mom via Wide Horizons. I desperately need to get pictures of his first birthday and some small gifts for her.
One other lady I met at Sirgute's house was Connie. Connie is a beautiful lady with a sweet smile from Rwanda. She and her family are refugees and she shared some of the atrocities that took place in her country. Many people she knew and loved were killed during this time. She has such a sweet spirit and I would love to spend more time talking with her when I don't have kids running around about to break things!
I left Sirgute's house thinking what a great God has brought me in fellowship with these beautiful women and their children. We all share a common bond and I just feel so blessed to have connected to their lives in some small way.


Nicole said...

WOW! This world seems sooo big and then I hear stories like yours and I think, connections with people definitely make it seem smaller and places not so far away afterall.

I am SO glad Greyson will have a personal connection with his roots. You and Steve have done a terrific job of integrating him into your family, yet making sure he knows where he is from and down the road the importance of having that knowledge.

Love you and miss you and enjoy your blog updates... I don't feel so far away from you:)

Tara said...

Wow, what an amazing blessing! I hope that the Ethiopian community in our area will grow more and more. It is such a gift to have others around who are coming from the same place-whether that is adoption or just from Ethiopia!